Tuesday 5 January 2016

Always feeling tired? Check out the Adrenal fatigue solutions available

It seems many people in the west are sick of and stressed out. It is a very common problem which frequently goes neglected. It affects considerably more women than men. The number of people suffering from this ailment has grown since the recession, due to money and job related concerns causing major stress.

Adrenal Fatigue is a term utilized to describe the situation where the adrenal glands are exhausted. It is very commonly associated with stress levels. These glands release Cortisol in response to all kinds of stress. It is your natural anti-inflammatory and lessens stress and the inflammation levels when required. Your adrenal glands are situated just above the kidneys and they are of the size of the walnuts. They perform a very vital function within the body as they secret more than 50 different hormones that your body requires to survive.

Along with Cortisol, some other hormones that the adrenal glands secrete comprise of progesterone, epinephrine, estrogen and testosterone.  An experienced doctor mentioned that the glands work with the other hormones and show symptoms of what is known as the ‘symphony’. If one part of the symphony suffers or drops out, then the adrenal glands have to produce greater amounts of sex hormones, which is the secret of longevity if you make sure that the adrenal glands are healthy. You may also try the Meyers Cocktail which is an intravenous vitamin and mineral protocol made to benefit you.

The reality is, we should have much less stress that we face in this contemporary scenario and thereby releasing a consistent amount of cortisol, it seems that these days we continuously need Cortisol. All these factors also led to the requirement of Cellulite Treatments which is meant to treat asthma generally caused by extreme stress.